We are upgrading to a new website at the moment - it will be live soon and full of Spring 1 information.
Mrs Aarons and Mrs Bromley help us to
learn and grow in Class 4.
Hello and welcome to Class 4's web page. Here is my email address if you need to contact me: AaronsS@sja.fa1.uk
Things to bring to school
Every day: reading/homework diary and reading book
Wednesday – Completed learning log (homework)
Friday - PE Kit (bring to school in a small bag)
Thursday - Swimming kit and towel
Spring 1
Impressive Impressionists
(art topic)
Autumn 2
Smashing Saxons
(History Topic)
Why did the Anglo Saxons settle in Britain?
In maths we will be learning...
In English our core text is...
Amazing musical talent in Class 4! Look at J play 'Joy to the World' on the glockenspiel.
Our science theme this half term is...
Our computing theme this half term is...
topic presentations and internet research
Our RE theme this half term is...
Incarnation and God
Our French theme this half term is...
Faire les Magasins
Autumn 1
You're having a Laugh!
(English Topic)
Our topic this half term gives Class 4 an exciting opportunity to delve into a world of humour and imagination through the works of famous author Roald Dahl.
During maths lessons, we will be learning...
Our science focus this half term is...
In RE we are learning about Creation/Fall
Our Computing focus is...
The World Wide Web & Word Processing
Our French topic this half term is...
Les Transports
During the school day, there are dedicated times where we collectively stop, think and reflect. Children are invited to join in with these prayers.
Lunchtime Prayer
For health and strength and daily food,
We thank you, God. Amen
End of day prayer
At the end of the day we would like to say,
Thank you, God, for a lovely day.
Please keep us safe 'til the morning. Amen
Our classroom and playground have prayer spaces that children may visit too.
What can you do to help your child this academic year?
- Encourage your child to learn multiplication and division facts. Y4 2022 Multiplication Check - Information leaflet for parents and carers.
- Read for 5 - 10 minutes each night with your child, asking them about what they have read.
- Spelling Bee practice
- Ensure that your child completes their Learning Log activity on a weekly basis.
- Spellings will be given out on a Monday and children will be tested on a Friday.