Contact Us
Exciting news! We are in the process of upgrading our website, which is great, but does mean that we are not regularly updating all pages on this site at the moment. Please email us if you cannot find or need to double check something. Hopefully, the new site will be 'going live' in the new year.
Address: St James' Church of England Primary School
Romney Street
Ashton Under Lyne
Twitter: @StJCEPrimary
Tel No : 0161 330 2008
For all enquiries please email: (Please include a return email address and/or phone number when you contact us, so that we can get back to you.)
Headteacher/DSL: Mr J Rolt
Deputy Head Teacher/SENDCo/DSL: Miss C Parnell
Admin Team: Mrs J Andrew and Miss E Wardle
Caretaker: Mr David Ma
Chair of Governors: Ms Shelagh Walton
We are proud members of the Forward as One Church of England Multi Academy Trust.