St James' Church of England Primary School

Together in faith, we are a winning team.

We are upgrading to a new website at the moment - it will be live soon and full of Spring 1 information.

Image result for year 3

Monday and Tuesday: Miss Parnell.  Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: Miss Allan

Every day: Mrs Richards

The School Day

Arrive between 8:35am - 8:45am

Home Time: 3:15pm 

Please make sure your children are collected on time.

Thank you.

Spring 1 Topic

Art Focus... Picture Me

Autumn 2 Topic

History Focus... Sticks and Stones


This half term we will be going back in time and learning about the changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age.

Our Stone Age topic will incorporate history, geography, art and DT skills and knowledge. 

Learning logs in Autumn 2

Week 1 - Guy Fawkes and bonfire night

Week 2 Can I describe a story scene?

Week 3 What does Friendship Week mean to you?

Week 4 What can you find out about Mary Anning?

Week 5 What does the Trinity mean to Christians?

Week 6 Can you tell us about what life was like in the Stone Age?

Week 7 Alternative Christmas homework!


Please try to be as creative as possible! You can include writing, drawings, printings, cuttings, colours, different paper flaps - anything you like! We look forward to seeing what you can do each week.

The learning Log winners ... Alexander and Klara!


This term we will first focus on addition and subtraction skills with 3 digit numbers before moving on to multiplication and division. 


We will also be learning and practising our times tables (and corresponding division facts) as well as continuing to practise other mental maths strategies in addition and subtraction.  See the links below for some fun activities you can try at home.


This half-term, in we will be learning about rocks and soils and improving our working scientifically skills.

RE (Religious Education)

This half term we will be learning about incarnation though our Understanding Christianity project. We will find out about Jesus' baptism from the Gospels and the Christian understanding of the Trinity.


Our second French unit is called 'En classe' (in class). We will learn more French numbers (to 20) and the names of classroom objects as well as practising all that we learnt last term as well.

Computing and digital learning

This term we will use our iPads and Scratch Jr to build on the coding skills we learnt in KS1. We will write and test programmes with variables (debugging where needed) to manipulate characters in lots of fun ways.

Learning how to touch type is such an important life skill. You can practise at home with these fun BBC Bitesize activities - Dance Mat Typing.

And all the rest...

PSHCE and SEALs - Getting on and Falling Out - we will learn about recognising good friendship qualities and, for when it doesn't go to plan, successful conflict resolution. Week beginning 14th November we will join with the National Anti Bullying Week (our Friendship Week). The theme this year is 'Reach Out'. 

Music - Mrs Chambers from Tameside Music Service will teach us to play with recorder each Tuesday and on Thursday mornings we will join with the rest of KS1 and 2 to sing with Miss Parnell and Mrs Lok playing the piano.

PE - Our main PE lesson with Coach Jake is on a Friday afternoon. Children should bring their PE kit to school in a small bag that can hang on their peg on Monday morning. They will get changed for PE before their lesson at school on Friday and then come home in their PE kit so it can be washed along with their uniform ready for Monday morning. There is an after school sports club for children in year 3 and 4 on Friday as well.

Swimming - Class 3 have weekly swimming lessons at Ashton Baths on Thursdays from September to March. Children need to bring their swimming kit and towel to school every Thursday. 

Our Class Prayers


For health and strength and daily food, we thank you God. Amen.

Related image


At the end of the day, we would like to say,

Thank you God for a lovely day. Please keep us safe 'till the morning. Amen.

Free stock photo of landscape, nature, sunset, trees

You are welcome to email us with any comments, questions or concerns at: 

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