Things to remember for Nursery
Our School day
Nursery doors open from 8:45-9:00am. Our day finishes at 12:00pm.
It is important that the children arrive in plenty of time. Please encourage them to be independent in finding their own coat peg, taking off their coats and hanging up their own things. The children need to find their own name card and self-register. Please encourage them to put their book bags in their coloured book box.
Snack Time
We have a healthy snack each day. The children have the opportunity to try a range of healthy food and drinks. Snacks and drinks do not need to be brought in.
Please make sure that children are in their uniform and that all items have their names in. It is important that the children come to school in the correct school uniform. They will need a warm coat and appropriate footwear. Nursery children can wear dark or navy tracksuit bottoms as part of their uniform.
Book Bags
Please make sure your child brings the book bag provided to school every day. Check your child's book bag often for any homework, letters or things they have made whilst at school.
Please feel free to email the Nursery teacher, Mrs Goodwin, with any questions or queries at