Admission Arrangements
Admissions Arrangements Summary
For all children we make carefully planned arrangements to help them join our school family.
The Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher welcomes visits to our school and are happy to show parents and carers around. This provides an opportunity to see the school at work and to discuss the education and facilities St. James’ can offer your child. Please contact the School Secretary (Mrs Andrew) to arrange a mutually convenient appointment.
St. James’ follows the admission procedure laid down for its schools by Tameside Council.
By law, parents must arrange for their children to start school at the beginning of the term following their fifth birthday, unless they have made other suitable arrangements.
In Tameside, there is a policy of planned earlier admission to primary school education whereby children start school in the September following their fourth birthday.
Tameside holds a waiting list for schools where there are no immediate places.
Verification of Date of Birth and Home Address
Prior to their child starting at school, parents are asked to provide evidence of their child's date of birth (original birth certificate). Verification of the principal parental home address may also be required. For the purposes of allocating school places, the Local Authority considers the principal parental home to be where the parent(s) are normally and regularly resident.
On the application form for admission, parents must sign a declaration that the information given is correct and that they understand that any place offered is based upon the information given. The School Governing Body or Local Authority may withdraw the place if circumstances are subsequently found to be other than those declared.
Admission into the reception class and infant classes.
Applications to the reception class are made through Tameside's online application system. The full process, including key dates and deadlines, is explained in the council's Starting Out booklet.
For your information, the school keeps lists of pre-school aged children who would like to come to our school for their reception year. Though this does not guarantee that we will be able to provide a place for your child, it does allow us to provide you with early information as well as being able to invite you to school events. If you wish to place your child's name on our admission list please contact the school secretary.
Formal offers of places are sent out directly to parents in accordance with the LA’s published timetable.
We realise that it is a big step when a child comes to a primary school for the first time and we try to make your child as welcome and secure as we can. To help your child settle they will be invited to the Foundation Stage Unit the term before they are due to start so that they can meet their teachers and some of the other children. Parents will also be able to ask questions at this session and fill in all the necessary forms prior to their child starting school.
In September, the children will be admitted to the Foundation Stage Unit and attend full time. The teachers give each new child the help and attention that they need so that they settle quickly and feel safe and happy in their new environment.
Admission into other classes
Admission to other classes is determined by the availability of places and interested parents are encouraged to make an appointment to visit the school together with their children.
All requests for places are referred to the Admission Department of the Local Authority.
Admission into the Nursery class.
We usually admit children into our nursery once at the beginning of each school year in September, but occasionally places become available during the year. We offer* Monday - Friday morning sessions from 9:00am to 12:00pm and also a full time option 9:00am to 3:00pm. The main school office keeps a list of pre-school children who are interested in attending so that we can send out information and application forms to parents at the appropriate time of year. We follow the council guidelines for admission to nursery. Once children have been offered a place, they are invited to visit in the term before they are due to start.
(* from September 2022)
Early Admission into the Nursery Class
If there remain available spaces in the nursery at the end of the Autumn term, a nursery place starting in January will be offered to children on the waiting list that have had their third birthday between September 1st and December 31st. Similarly, if there are available spaces at the end of the Spring term, a nursery place starting in April will be offered to children on the waiting list that have had their third birthday between January 1st and March 31st.
We feel there are many benefits to children having extra terms in nursery. We are only able to offer places in these circumstances if they are available.
Tameside nursery place information:
Click here for a copy of St James' Nursery Place Application Form.
Click here for a copy of St James' full time nursery options letter.
Appeal Procedure
For children of compulsory school age, parents have the right of appeal against a decision not to admit their child to the school and are advised to contact The Secretary to the Independent Appeals Panel for an appeal request form and advice about the appeal process.
Admission of pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Applications from pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities are welcomed. Due to the age and design of the building there are issues regarding the suitability of the premises for some pupil's needs. We will endeavour to make modifications and purchase equipment and resources to meet individual pupil's needs when this is reasonable, practical and affordable. Each application will be considered carefully as we value our place as part of the local community and we cherish the diversity within our school.