St James' Church of England Primary School

Together in faith, we are a winning team.

Welcome to our SEALs page 

Social, Emotional Aspects of Learning

which means Friendships and Feelings

Theme 7: Changes

Family activities for you to do together at home.

“ Let us run with determination the race that lies before us."  Hebrew 12:1

How do you respond to change?

Change happens.

Change is inevitable.

Change takes place whether we like it or not.

Some changes are welcome.

Some are not.

How you respond to change is up to you.

Think about a change that is happening in your life.

Who can you communicate with about how you feel?
How can you cooperate with the change and not resist it?
In what ways can you celebrate the change?

Click here to read our assembly. 

St James

Like many of the apostles, James made changes to his life to follow Jesus.

What do you know about St James?

Would you recognise him in art?

What are his symbols?

 Click here to look at our assembly pictures to help.

Summer term school challenge....

What changes can you make to achieve our entrance hall bible verse?

Let us think about each other and help each other to show love and do good deeds.

Hebrews 10:24

Big Changes and Little Changes

There are lots of stories from the Bible that tell us about changes.

Click here to see a video of the story of Zacchaeus.

What changes did he make?

What can we learn from him?

 Dare we cross the Bridge?

We all face changes all the time throughout our life.  Sometimes they're small and we barely notice them. Sometimes we look forward to them - like when the sun comes out and we feel happy and excited.  

Other changes can seem much more difficult because we're not sure what to expect; they might even seem quite frightening or worrying.

Click here to read the SEALs assembly story.


Do you have a change ahead?

Are you looking forward to it?

Are you feeling anxious?

What advice would you give to someone preparing for a change?

Please click here to share your ideas. 

Changes 2021

Azis had lived all his life in the same small house in the same small village on the banks of a great river. He was a weaver and every day he worked at his loom weaving pure white cloth. Once a week he went to the market to sell the cloth and buy food...

Click here to read the rest of Azis's story.

Can your actions change things for those around you?


Ramadan is an important time in the Islamic calendar.  A time for people to reflect and to think about their relationship with God.  A time to think about other people and what can be done to help those who in need.

Click on the picture to watch the story of Abdullah during Ramadan.  

What changes do the characters make?