St James' Church of England Primary School

Together in faith, we are a winning team.

‘Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity.  A high-quality music education should engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians.’

 National Curriculum, DfE 2014

Here at St. James', we are fortunate to have a rich and diverse Music/Arts ethos. As well as our strong partnership with Tameside Music Service who deliver our main music lessons, music takes place everyday in the form of worship in assemblies. We incorporate music into our topic teaching. We have held Artsmark for 3 years and are now in the process of working towards it again. As part of this, Year 3 and Year 5 have the opportunity to complete an Arts Award, which enables them to grow as artists/musicians as they they partake in different art forms.  We are also lucky to be a part of Hallé Inspire where KS2 have the opportunity to work with musicians from the Hallé Orchestra to produce an Arts performance.

Please click on the links below for more information and to view all the exciting musical activities which take place in our school!

HalléInspire Culmination: Class 3 and 4 perform at St James Church with Hallé musicians Janet and Helen.

Greater Manchester Singing Challenge 2022

Greater Manchester Singing Challenge 2021

Here are some music learning resources which you can access at home:

Here are some Hallé Inspire photos and video from one of our performances with the Hallé musicians ...

We were so proud when Cllr Joyce Bowerman, Mayor of Tameside, visited us to present our Arts Award Certificates to all the children in Years 2 to 6. The School Council represented their classes superbly and took the Mayor and her companions on a guided tour of school. They even had time for tea and cake!



Congratulations St James'

We were very proud to be awarded the 'Sylvia Swiffin Trust Shield for the development of Music Education' by Tameside Music Service at this year's awards evening.

The children loved their visit to the Bridgewater Hall to play with the Halle Orchestra.

They were set a challenge to create music from fidget spinners...

We think they've succeeded.  Watch our videos to decide for yourself.



 Look what fun we have learning about music when Key Strings

come to visit!  


Mrs Bundy and Miss Parnell have been busy singing with the National Teachers' Choir.  Click here to listen!

Can you spot them on the photo?