St James' Church of England Primary School

Together in faith, we are a winning team.

Welcome to our SEALs page 

Social, Emotional Aspects of Learning

which means Friendships and Feelings


 Themes 2 and 3: Getting on and Falling Out

 Family activities for you to do together at home.

Theme 2    Theme 3



One Kind Word

Time to check: do your words (still) pass the THINK test?

Are they...






You can add your acts of kindness to this year's Friendship Wall. 


How will you share your friendship tokens?

Click on the picture to read this term's story.

Add to the 2020 Friendship Wall.



Do your words pass the THINK test?  Are they...






We celebrated all our fantastic SEALs learning in our end of term assembly. Our GREAT school looks all the better with its new roof windows. 


The Bundle of Sticks

In our SEALs assembly we learnt that we are strong when we work together.

To our end of term SEALs assembly, every class brought two spacemen for our SEALs display board. The spacemen show the qualities of good friendships which we strive for and reminded us of the negative qualities which we don't want to see. 


Stone Soup

Watch this lovely version of the Stone Soup to remind yourself about the ways we can help each other to get along - just like the villagers in the story.  Then look at our top tips for getting along.


Toolbox Turmoil

We can all get grumpy sometimes and it can be easy to forget how much we need each other.  If we take time to pause and think about all our different qualities and talents then we might remember that we make a great team when we work together.

Read our story to see how the tools managed to resolve their differences.

Just like the tools in the tool box we worked together to create windows to share our learning from this term.  Each class have produced a beautiful window with ideas for: friendship, calming down techniques, conflict resolution techniques and e-safety tips too.  

The next phase of our house is complete and it looks great!


Random Acts of Kindness

Have you been kind today?

Click here to read our SEALs assembly story, and see the pictures.

Tell us about your acts of kindness on our wall.

Assembly adapted from Jeanettedav and Seasidelou (TES) with thanks.

Made with Padlet


Are you a good friend?

How many friendship tokens have you given away today?

Click here to read the SEALs assembly story.

We have designed our own friendship tokens as reminders to be friendly towards each other, those near to us and those far away.

 Click to see all our fabulous friendship walls.

  2016 2017 2018  2019 2020 2021